Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Most Successful People With Adhd - 1741 Words

The national institutes of health writes that individuals diagnosed with ADHD experiencing symptoms in a more severity more frequently and their symptoms directly affect their functions at school or work. (4) I would argue that in some cases the heightened symptoms these individuals deal with are the same symptoms that any one individual deals with throughout their life. There are certainly those individuals that thrive because of these symptoms. Elite Daily wrote an article titled The 10 Most Successful People With ADHD these individual include but aren’t limited to: Walt Disney; The Founder Of Disneyland, Jim Carrey; Actor/Comedian/Producer, Will Smith; Actor/Producer/Rapper, John F. Kennedy; The 35th President Of The United States, and†¦show more content†¦I Believe this is a good point because all to often people try to conform others to one base line standard of behavior when in reality there are those who are more extrinsically motivated and those that are intri nsic motivated. What is normal in today’s society, diversity should be welcomed because it insures the success of any given species. Those individuals who have the ability to recognize their passions and pursue them with such determination should be seen as a higher intellect than those that fall in line with everyone else. When applying for a job often times you hear employers specified that they’re looking for out-of-the-box thinkers often times those thinkers are people that possess the symptoms of this alleged disorder. Consider if every individual pursued their passions and could learn through their passions. Take for example the child who hyper focuses on dinosaurs; this child doesn’t show any interest in math or science–but loves to read and talk about dinosaurs. Two things can happen Child refuses to associate himself anything not having to do with dinosaurs, or an instructor/parent recognizes the opportunity to introduce dinosaurs into other asp ects in a child’s life such as math and science. If you have two tyrannosaurus and five Alamosaurus how many dinosaurs you have? An instructor could discuss the difference between a

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